Saturday, September 8, 2007

Thing # 20 9/4/2007

I had jumped ahead a little, I suppose. I had copied the video Women's faces in Art to my blog from YouTube. It is just amazing. While on vacation I showed the rest of my family the blogs, they were quite impressed. I have experienced many new commands and drills doing these excerises... now let's hope I can remember a fourth of them.

Speaking of family vacation. My husband and myself agree that this was the BEST ever. Just being there in Reno with children, grandchildren, brother, sister-in-law, sons-in-law, niece and her husband was incrediable. While just sitting at my brothers, just talking we all agreed that this was the best ever and that we are all getting closer with each vacation. This is our 3rd family vacation - we plan these every other year. This year the guys golfed(of course!). The first night we had a FIESTA, Wendy and I prepped all the Mexican food the day before - yum! And Eric and Michelle made "Cosigritas"(their version of the Margarita!!!) We had a family scavenger hunt with limos to boot another night, the ever favorite Game night, since we all are very competitive. The "girls" had a spa day. We were just on the go all the time. I told my "older" brother that "us older folks need naps!!! Must wait 2 years for the next one.....oh well, back to work

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