Tuesday, July 31, 2007

#12 continued

I didn't think that I copied and pasted the url correctly to my blog, I went in to look at my blog page and WOW rollyo.com showed up. Dumb luck!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

#'s 10, 11 &12 July 26, 2007

I finally got my generator to work. Everything I tried at first didn't work. Reason.....I was using my commands out of order. On to the next challenge. Oh, my granddaughter Jane (or Janiebird)is now swimming UNDERWATER. I am so proud of her!!
By they way for those of you who do not know... GG means GRANDMA GRETA!!!

I got my name in lights with notcelebrity.co.uk

Thursday, July 19, 2007

July 19, 2007 #'s 8 & 9

Well, completed reading 8&9. I set up a Bloglines Account, easy. Had dinner with my girlfriend last week. She is the head computer tech at a mental health facility. I was telling her about the Blogs that we are setting up and the tutorials and......we were off, talked non-stop(who me??) for about 3 hours. She said that she hasn't heard of all of the stuff I had mentioned. I vaguely remember that outsiders could check out the tutorials, is that true? I'm certain my girlfriend would really get something out of this. Someone let me know ok??

Until next time......

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This is my youngest granddaughter, Lucy. When my daughter, Nicole sent my this the caption on this read
"Oh My Gosh.... Is Bush Still President???"
Yes, we are raising the third generation of activist!!!
I am so excited that I was able to bring this picture into the blog. However, I didn't use flicker. I am about half way through reading about RSS's, so that will be my next project

Friday, July 6, 2007

7/6/2007 #'s 5, 6, &7 Flickr

I just finished the tour and listening to the information about Flickr, new information, more new "STUFF" to learn. I can't wait to try this. I am going to try and bring some pictures of my grankids over to the blog eventually, but I'll have to practice first. Comments on new technology seen resently. How about the new IPhone??? It really looks cool, but $600, NO WAY. I can buy LOTS of gas for that amount of money.....someday when I win the lottery!! Until later.....

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

7/2/2007 Setting Up and Reading #'s 1&2

At first I was a little hesitant starting this BLOG stuff. I listened to the tape regarding the 7 1/2 Steps to learning and thought, "Hey what the heck, it's something new to learn and when you get my age(DON'T ASK!!!) you need to keep your mind sharp and open to new things or you might as well just DIE or worse...have those "Senior Moments" all the time


The reason I chose "Weeding" in New Middletown is because it seems that is ALL I ever do. Finish weeding the flowerbeds.....time to start over. Don't get me wrong, I love gardening (and WEEDING of course) Weeding was a punishment for my girls. That was one of their chores on Saturday....they had to weed the sidewalk in front of our house. Well if that wasn't humiliation enough, their friends would come by, needless to say....